
from: kuitree31

改了buaa-alun的文章,改得不好,相互交流吧 呵呵issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”

As the society’s developing, collaboration
替换词:cooperation coordination has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields couldwould更好些 inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which was called bio-computer. (第一段就用例子有点头重脚轻,不妨放后边看看)Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more than before, Nowadays, because of large amounts of complicated accomplishments ,which are much more than before,no one could(would) learn everything. But with collaboration we can take advantage of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.(which would results in something around us becoming special and amazing.)

But I don’t think(as far as I am concerned, It seems a little unilaterat to consider ) that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make(makes) you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that(those who) work in noise.

In addition, I have to say the idea(The second reasons to support my standpoint is ) that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think (
替换词:consider , give thought to ,turn over in my mind evaluate )education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important(which plays a significant partment in children’s future). If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.

What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.

Firstly, learning could result toin study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than (studying ) in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know .
In the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.(放到一段里)
At conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary. We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.


总体写得还可以,思路很好,但是语言过于简单, 加些长音节次较好,中间段落过多 最好是56段论

改得不好, 希望提些意见, 互相交流



issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”
As the society’s developing, collaboration has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields could inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which waswas可以去掉called bio-computer. Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more(个人认为用far more更好) than before, no one could learn everything(by oneslf). But with collaboration we can take advantage(s) of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.
But I don’t think that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that work in noise.
In addition, I have to say the idea that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important. If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.
What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.
Firstly, learning could result to study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know it.
In(On )the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.
At(In) conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary.(否定应该使用neither nor) We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and(这里应该用一个转折连词while) collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.
(呵呵 作者和我的写作思路满像的,不过运用例子的能力令我佩服,总的来说文笔不错,有一些介词和连词还要多多注意~)


issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”
As the society’s developing, collaboration has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields could inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which was called bio-computer. Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more than before, no one could learn everything. But with collaboration we can take advantage of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.
But I don’t think that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that work in noise.
In addition, I have to say the idea that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important. If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.
What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.
Firstly, learning could result to study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know it.
In the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.
At conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary. We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.




“Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning.”
“It is not the headline-making political events but the seldom-reported social tranformations that have the most lasting significance.”
第一段:其实不论是headline-making political events 还是seldom-reported social tranformations 都可能会造成lasting significance.
“The best preparation for life or a career is not learning to be competitive, but learning to be cooperative.”
“The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.”
第三段:中国有句话是这么说的, “逆水行舟,不进则退” (A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.)。 什么意思呢?告诉我们如果意味地只顾维持现状,是不够的。有时候我们也需要改革的出现,比如…
“Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.”
第三段:但其实,从古至今,任何事情的发展总是像一把双刃剑(Double-edged sword),不仅仅是科技,许多其他的…也都是如此。而科技,它带来的益处是远大于其弊的。
第五段:其实what technology bring us is decied by who take it.举举例子,所以不论是说科技如何如何,脱离了具体环境,都是没有意义的。
“The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.”
“Instead of encouraging conformity, society should show greater appreciation of individual differences.”
“Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals. When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.”
第四段:可是其实在现代 ,innovation is more than idea。而团队的价值则体现在此。从一个想法的提出到实现,也是一个需要团队的过程。
“The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others.”
同”Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals. When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.”
“The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas—not to prepare them for a specific job.”
ps:前几天因为Sun Tech Day的原因,整个都很混乱,今天把周五、周六两天的提纲写出来了,周日的只能等到明天一起写了。这礼拜似乎没什么事但也什么事都没有做,看来花在GRE上的时间还是多了,需要提高写提纲的效率才好


“It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice.”
第一段:我觉得这个观点说的很片面,因为并不是所有情况下innovation and new ideas is welcomed;同时在想法落成实践的过程中也并不一定是困难的。
第三段:而至于whether the way these new ideas are put into pratice is difficult or not should depends on situation.比如apple 发明的mac机,以一种革新的图形界面颠覆了人们传统的操纵电脑方式。可以说这受到了广大群众的欢迎和喜爱。可见有时候这中改变是agreeable的。而为什么有时候difficult,有时候agreeable呢?这就要看新的方式能否给人带来切身的利益。
“Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.”
第三段:可是,并不是任何时候,成功都需要人们去彻底的改变。相信大家都听说过youtube,另一个典型的web 2.0 站点。一开始YouTube was created in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees. In October 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had reached a deal to acquire the company for US$1.65 billion in Google stock. What Youtube did? 只是提供人们一个机会去上传自己的视频。我觉得他能成功非常重要的一个原因正是他很好地利用了Web 2.0的热潮,而他其实并没有让现有的模式产生很大的改变。
第四段:其实在科学研究中也是一样,举例子…success并不意味着totally change,as it says: standing on the shoulders of giants.
第五段:不论是在学术界,还是业界。成功的标准并不是你对环境的改变有多大,而是看if you can do good to others.
“If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.”
第二段:在中国的古代,孔子被称为saint of education。人们从小被他的思想所教育,比如臣必须尽职服从皇上,女子必须服从丈夫。由于古代是封建社会(fedual society),这些思想受到中国皇帝的推崇。而在那个年代,社会的和谐要很大程度上归功于他的教育。可是到了现代,这种儒家思想(Confucianism)在很大程度上已经过时了。因为现今社会是一个充满竞争的社会,如果你不提高自己,你则会被别人所淘汰,而这是那个年代所不能看到的。所以confucianism已经不能满足现今社会的需求。
第三段:但是所有那些被人们disregard的works of the past并不往往都是过时的。在科学界,对同一个问题,人们总会对其提出新的问题与看法。爱因斯坦,提出了相对论,指出牛顿经典力学的不足。因为牛顿的年代,由于多方面的原因(包括实验条件等)并不能把问题考虑得这么全面。可是难道因为有了相对论,我们就能说经典力学不再有价值了吗?
“As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—when one considers all the potential uses of such money.”
第二段:诚然,一个人最基本的要求是生存,当一个人连生存都保证不了的时候,其余的事情都是空谈。举个例子…所以政府制订了”Minimum standard of living”这个计划,用来帮助这些人。通过这项计划,许多人从中受益。
第三段:可是由观点的意思可以推出,是希望将所有public resources用来suppport such kind of project。我觉得这个是欠思量的,因为这会给人带来一种错觉,我只需要等待别人的帮助就可以生存了,而不用自身的努力。举例子…可见,无限放大这个project的作用是不理智甚至可能会带来相反的效果,就是社会上lack the basic skills的人会越来越多。比如我是不会给乞丐钱的…
第四段:我们再来谈谈关于建设艺术的必要性。从topic的句子可以看出,art是一个可有可无(dispensable)的东西。要反驳这个观点,我们要先从art的意义谈起,我觉得艺术非常重要的一个作用是可以让人们从另外一个角度来看待我们的世界,许多优秀的艺术品,不仅仅只供观赏,它会让人们进入一种思考的状态,比如…比如在城市建立博物馆,就是一种suppor the arts 的行为。博物馆的好处举例子…此外,既然是public resources,就应该为public提供更好的利益而不是特定的群体。
“Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers.”
第一段:没错,教育确实应该在培养学生成为productive workers 的同时enrich the personal lives of them.不过有时候可能因为国家的需要,教育需要培养出具有某些特定能力的学生。
第四段:而且,每个人的天性(personal instinct)千差万别。并不是任何时候发展天性都是一件好的事情,比如…
第五段:一个好的教育确实应该可以给那些具有某些天赋的孩子一个机会,可是这并不能被滥用。而此同时,许多时候从国家的利益出发,教育也需服从于国家的利益,培养出更多的productive workers。


“It is dangerous to trust only intelligence.”
第三段:在科学研究中更是如此,往往想当然的事情总是错误的,比如…学术界有句话叫 “making Bold hypotheses followed by the meticulous search for evidence”,可以看得出来求证的重要性,比如…相信如果只是因为intelligence的原因,他是不能得出这样的成果的
“As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.”
第一段:这个观点是片面的,这要分情况来讨论。某些场合下,…确实会变得more complex and mysterious,但其实 more comprehensible也是存在的。
第三段:可是,从另外一个角度来看,难道产生 more complex and more mysterious 的原因不恰恰正是 more comprehensible的结果吗?再利用前面那个例子进行论证,可以看到只有当科学家先对某个问题有很好的了解,才会有机会去思考更内层和复杂的事情。
“It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.”
第三段:而另外一门学科数学,这跟上面两者不太一样。上大学的第一门数学分析课上,老师告诉我们数学是queen of science。为什么是皇后,而不是皇帝,因为皇后是一个辅助的角色。就像数学,它其实是我们做科学研究的一门工具,它是一门高度抽象的学科。许多理论是来源于人们脑海中的抽象思维,加上严格的证明。比如……可见,它并不像物理那样如此依赖于实验的数据。
“Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.”
“Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today’s world.”
第三段:实践除了可以让技术创造价值,它同时还可以指导理论的发展。特别是对于一些公司来说(Microsoft),profit永远是他们追求的,许多时候他们会根据市场的反应来调整后方的研发。因为如果投入研究的钱并不能很好地make profit,对于他们来说任何成果都是valueless。
第五段:在中国,国家每年拨出数以亿计的款项用于科研工作,因为他们相信理论的研究是会带来利益的,虽然不会很明显。举个例子…可见,很多时候一个理论的提出一开始都不会看到很切实的实践,只有随着岁月的流逝,它的意义才逐渐显现出来。就像霍金所做的工作,more than little value


Issue test2

“The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society.”



For our grandparents it occurred through films and books. 开头第一句话就把我镇住了,因为他(她?)提到了祖父这一带人的事情。要不就是一个美国人,要不就是对美国文化有过较为深入的了解,才能在开头抛出这么一句话。
For the baby boomers it was a result of television and revolutionary music.
第二句话又当场把我雷倒了,此雷非彼雷(新华社健康操)也,我是被作者再一次镇住了。就是因为baby boomers这个词,google了一下发现是指1946~1964年出生的人,试想没有一定时间的积累,如何能在考场上给出这么精确这么american的词语呢?
No matter how the impact took place, it is clear that since its very advent, the media have played a crucial role in not simply being representative of the values of our society but creating them as well.

During the roaring twenties Americans found themselves in a struggle between the old ways of their ancestors and the new ways of the future.仍然是像前面所说的,对美国的历史较为了解,roaring这个词用得很棒
The once steadfast beliefs that men and women should not touch while dancing, and that ladies should not drink or smoke were suddenly being challenged.
From where was all this rebellion stemming?
Partly it was due to the returning doughboys from the shores of Europe bringing home revolutionary ideas they had encountered while at war.
Nonetheless, returning soldiers could not be held responsible for the social upheaval that America experienced.
There had to be another cause, and there was, the media.
Although the films of the era were silent they spoke volumes to the society for which they were created.
提出观点马上举例子(film, a kind of media)。这里提到了一个默片时代,虽然我也算是个影迷吧,但在GRE作文考试里直接利用电影来作为论证,我还差了些功力啊
Women in these movies wore their hemlines a few inches shorter than the decade before them and they wore cosmetics to accentuate their new bobbed haircuts.
The movies, as well as the books of that era, demonstrated a new materialistic attitude that America had never before experienced.
Films portrayed every character as having the money to buy a new car, drink, smoke and partake in the leisure’s of life, a philosophy that was soon adopted by the youth of the decade.
The use of the media in the twenties was to serve as a catalyst for the revolutionary ideas that were circulating.
The films and books of that era sped America along its path of change that eventually led to the greatest social unrest that the United States had ever known.

Unlike the twenties, the sixties and seventies utilized the media in a way that appealed to those searching for truth in a lost and confused world.grandparents那一代人转向baby boomer. Unlike在这里作为过渡连词
Martin Luther King Jr. realized the impact of the media on society during his campaign for civil rights.
King urged his followers to withstand any abuse that they might encounter because the media will take their peacefulness into the homes of their society.
By doing so, King successfully began to change the traditional view of race. Americans began to sympathize with the protesters because of the undeserved turmoil they faced at the hands of the government.
As a result, America relinquished the Jim Crow laws and saw many other groups press for their individual rights as well.
一个体现作者功力的地方,Jim Crow Laws,在场有谁能够看到这个词马上把意思说出来的,更不用说在考试中没有一个拼写错误的将其用上。整个例子一起呵成,从提出到逐渐发展到最后的结果,顺理成章
Television cameras rolled as Cesar Chavez organized the migrant workers in California and as Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham linked arms to protest the lack of women’s rights.

While the media helped to shape some attitudes about racism and gender it also helped to uncover the truth behind government lies.还准备接着展开论述媒体的强大
During the Nixon




“The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.”
“It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people’s behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds.”
第四段:为什么我们会这么想呢?因为法律。其实在我们从小长大的过程中,法律就在不断潜移默化(chronic and imperceptibly)地改变我们。我们所受到的教育,告诉我们这是对的,这是错的。而这些对错的判断标准是什么呢?法律和道德规范。比如…而当你做错的时候,你会受到惩罚,你会不舒服…比如
“What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open—but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.”
第一段:这个题目的观点比较片面。the one who…这样的人确实是存在的。可是那些追求事实,追求真理而不俱改变的人还是很多的。这要针对(in connection with)不同类型的人进行讨论。
第二段:对于一些老学究(pedant)来说,由于他们对某方面的知识已经浸润多年,很多时候他们是希望维持现状而不愿改变的,即使那是真理。比如…另外的一些人学习知识只是为了应付,他们也不希望接受的是一些稳定的东西,同时对那些complex truth保持一种反感的态度,比如…
第三段:而对于那些年轻的学生(like me),或者说始终保持一颗好奇心的教授来说,我们是乐于探索真理的。比如…
“Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.”
第四段:另外topic后面一半的观点也是需要斟酌(regarded carefully)的。其实许多法律,是从道德转化而来的。在中国…举例子。可见,道德与法律并不是孤立的两个实体。而有的道德为什么没有变成法律呢?那是因为有的道德的标准是非常模糊的(vague),并不能很好地使其变成规范。而那些非常明确的道德规范(比如…),很多就已经被法律化了。
“The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work with in their academic fields is more a matter of personality than of training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things.”
第一段:我觉得personality & training是影响人们work with academic fields的两个方面,并不能说the one more than the other one.
第四段:总的来说,确实personality在人们interpret the materials时起了很大的一个作用,但是the essence of material并不会改变。


“Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time.”
“Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways.”
第一段:我非常同意topic的意思,因为我是学计算机的。但其实never thought也非常重要。
第二段;先说never thought before的重要性。举计算机的例子…
第四段:展开来说,因为随着年代的推进,挖掘never thought的东西是越来越困难的。但是通过将原有的观点进行整合,其实也可以达到非常好的效果。就像牛顿所说的,站在巨人的肩膀上。
第五段:最后总结,never thought肯定是需要的,因为这是我们做mash基础。而在当今时代下,谁能更好地利用现有的资源,谁就是胜者。
“Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.”
第三段:但这种想法是非常危险的。因为法律作为一种规范,是需要非常严格的执行的。在中国,我们提出”run state affairs according to law”。法律在我们国家已经上升到治理国家的标准,而一个标准,岂可以是随意变动的呢?。
第四段:展开来说,为什么不能随意变动,因为这会给许多怀有非分只想的不法分子趁机而入。因为how flexible?谁也不能很好的去度量这个可以变更的尺度。
“It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual.”
第一段:观点部分正确,但其实,details就不属于true innovation吗?
“The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.”
第一段:topic is parlty true. 也许价值不仅仅如此。



  1. 今天写了一个半小时左右只写了5个issue的提纲,就算多练练把速度提起来,再写5个argument貌似也不太现实。
  2. 另外一个才是致命的,就是很不幸的我把日期统计错了,240/5=48 != 28。计划中貌似少算了20天。


  • 11.17~1.3 每天写5篇Issue提纲,读5篇Argument Topics
  • 1.5~1.18 每周3篇Issue,2篇Argument,周末修改
  • 1.19~2.22 每天1篇Issue,每天1篇Argument
  • 2.23~3.1 待定
  • 3.2 上考场!
