

compiler and os


Choristes, Les





  • G/T真的不重要,相对我们付出的努力来说
  • GPA相当重要,他说这个让他获得了很多陶瓷的机会
  • 陶瓷非常非常重要,将近一个半小时的聊天里他说的最多就是关于陶瓷了,他的做法是:
  1. 一开始先去看各个会议的paper作者,搞清楚某个领域里世界上都有哪些牛人和他们之间的关系。
  2. 然后广发陶瓷信,第一封新的内容大概是说自己对这个领域很感兴趣,之前做过一些什么相关的东西,希望继续钻研和获得一些指导,这里前三十的牛老板基本上都不会甩你的。而是那些排名稍微靠后一些的AP回信的概率比较大。
  3. 第一封回信一般会告诉你几篇paper和书让你去看。读paper的一个建议:就是读的时候如果遇到reference的地方把相应的paper下下来看abstract & introduction。读完以后写一些自己的感想,再提一些问题,这就是第二封信了。第一封信基本上就是在扯,但是第二封信就得要让人感觉有一些学术了。
  4. 如果还有回信,说明就有些戏了。
  • 陶瓷番外篇:查一下某个领域最top的几个会议今年是否有可能来中国(不一定要在北京,香港和上海也可以),如果可能的话争取到现场去,如果可以当面套的话效果会好很多。
  • 另外关于项目/科研经历,学长说他没有什么科研经历,不过大三的时候参加两个比赛,都跟嵌入式和硬件有些关系。这个也成为了他写简历很重要的一部分。给我们的建议是,现在就想清楚以后的方向,然后开始准备几个相关的项目。可以的途径有:去中科院实习,或者去企业实习(尤其对Master)
  • 另外一个小诀窍,外国人也许不认识Beihang U or BUAA,但是那些中国毕业后到国外当AP的还是认识的,可以重点套这一部分人
  • BeBeyond(拼写不一定对)是一个不错的咨询公司,价格也相对合理



TOPIC: ISSUE70 – “In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.”
The speaker asserts that those in power in enterprise should step down after five years. It might be tempting to agree with the idea on the basis that permanent leadership would lead to company’s depression. However, the speaker overlooks certain negative effects brought about when those with experience are relegated.
The rules, making sure that the power should be under supervision, must be created so as to keep the whole enterprise from corruption. Without supervision, it is easy to make individual’s power out of control, always following with lack of justice. Consider Ancient China, where Emperor was managing the country with unshakable authority. In those years, what most ministers valued was not how to assist their Emperor in governing the country rightfully, but was how to build a strong relationship with the Emperor and the same time push others out. On the contrary, those ministers, who were really concerned about the state, were frequently enraging the Emperor for their straightforward words. Finally, the people around Emperor were inept while the capable were pushed out. In history, these countries were easy to corrupted and conquered by others. What was the main reason to this phenomenon? It was because of the absence of someone whose duty was to inspect the power from the Emperor and had capability to impeach the power if necessary.
But, when this system has been established, it is no need to set a rule that leader should be taken by others after period. Because a leader’s experience and influence sometimes is invaluable for the enterprise. We all are familiar with Apple Inc., which may be the most successful company in consumer electronic market for its aesthetic design. When we are talking about Apple, we would never forget to mention its CEO-Steve Jobs. Jobs played an important role in Apple’s growth. The company’s best-well known products, such as Macintosh, IPod and IPhone, which all are brought to us under Jobs’ impulsion. His aggressive management makes him the idol of Apple, for Apple’s price was decreasing when some newspaper reported his healthy problem. It is not sensible to resign such a genius, because Apple will keep vitalized as long as the company is under his leadership.
Additionally, the suggestion that leader should be relegated in after a period would lead to many other negative effects. When a CEO is resigned, it is not easy to look for another people to take place in a short time. And nobody can make sure the newer would do better than the older. What’s more, if the manager is frequently changed in a company, it is difficult to make company generate its unique culture, which is the symbol of a success company. For example, when we are talking about Microsoft, Bill Gates and his aggression would come to our mind.
In sum, a system of supervision is necessary in a company or country, because it is able to forestall the corruption from leadership. Nevertheless, whether a leader should be relegated is due to his capability and justice but not time. After all, the leader with rich experience is essential to enterprise’s vitalization.




TOPIC: ISSUE170 – “The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.”
WORDS: 586 TIME: 00:73:34 DATE: 2009/2/13 17:51:46
The topic’s opinion is some partial about the definition of a “great” nation, which should be considered about more than welfare of its people.
Firstly, the people’s welfare should be a basic requirement for a country. For example, in Afghan, people are living in danger all the day. They are afraid of walking in the street at night, for they may be attacked by local insurgents. What they care most is how to safely move to tomorrow. It is also the most important part which government is caring about. You can read reports that leaders of the country are trying to sweep out the insurgents although they are usually failed. When a country’s people feel difficult to live here, government would not have extra energy to develop, such as science. At the same time, the country would not be recognized great in any way.
But a country which could make sure of its people’s welfare is still far from great. Sweden, which is ranked first Democracy Index by Economist, could not be better place for living, for its low unemployment and perfect sanitary system. Doors are left open in the night for nobody would break in. Sweden has met the goal, making sure the general welfare of its people. However, you may never hear that Sweden is a great country.
What makes Sweden not great? To answer this question, we would like to get the meaning of great and the definition of great nation. Let’s first get a easier question: what is a great human-being like? There must be some names initially come to your mind, such as Newton, Aristotle… And what is the common character of these great men? It is easy to get that they all make a huge difference all over the world, and rewrote the human history significantly. So we can get a conclusion a great country would make influence for the whole world rather than its people. Now the reason why Sweden is not called great is apparent. Sweden, which is a country filled with happiness of its people, makes little influence on the other parts of the world.
Not only welfare of citizens, the achievements of science and art also indicate whether a country is great. I want to explain my idea with another country: Ancient Greece. Ancient Greece, which lasted from 1100BC to 26BC, has been widely considered as the foundation of Western civilization, making powerful influence on science, philosophy, art etc. In that time, people living in that country didn’t need to care about food and other basic requirement. People are happy to devote to education and science, which leads to numbers of great men, such as Aristotle, Euclid, most of who made such achievements today we still get profit from them. In my opinion, only the country like Ancient Greece is deserved when we are talking about great country.
Actually it is divergent when talking about great country. Because most people couldn’t be objective on this topic, the fault of a country would be omitted. What’s more, facts sometime may be covered so as to make the country’s figure would be brighter in citizens. Like U.S government, called themselves as “world police”, that always invade other countries under the name of justice, it would not be recognized as great anytime by the people in Afghan or Iran.
Although it is some difficult to give a list saying which country is great. A great country would not be only good to its people, but to the whole world.




这两天看了两部电影:《游龙戏凤》&《Street Kings》


看完以后心情感到愉悦许多,里面生活真的就很简单。不论两人身份有多么的悬殊,只要见两次面,聊聊天,就可以擦出爱的火花。男演员帅,女演员漂亮,不明白当年拍《古惑仔》的Andrew Lau可以拍出这么”骚”的电影。
 Street Kings
一开始不开字幕看到30分钟受不了,下了个中文的字幕从头开始看起。虽然剧情比较容易猜了,不过因为是高清(720P)的,视听效果还是相当不错。发现最近如果用电脑看美国电影,如果<720P,实在很难看下去。比如上次看那个Madagascar 2,下了一个压成1.4G的BDRip,看了几十分钟受不了给删了。
不想编程,不想学GRE,什么都不想,晚上就在寝室里看《康熙来了》 ,就感觉很麻木。用我自己的话说就是:又不爱学习又宅。明天rf同学回来看能不能让自己找到一些动力。
上课认识了好多人,首当其冲就是作文、阅读、词汇和填空的四位老师了。传说GRE班是one of体现新东方老师最高水平的课堂,除了一些基础的GRE和英语知识很好以外,老师们给我的感觉都是涉猎范围很广,讲课的内容常常从中西方思维体系扯到古希腊神话故事扯到一些有意思的电影扯到老俞同学,让我记下经典台词无数(等到时候结课了我总结成一篇)。
今天见到了Mr&Mrs.killer&弟妹&肯爷,感觉killer同学还是跟原来一样一副much more mature than me的样子。