
ISTP型的人坦率、诚实、讲求实效,他们喜欢行动而非漫谈。他们很谦逊,对于完成工作的方法有很好的理解力。 ISTP型的人擅长分析,所以他们对客观含蓄的原则很有兴趣。他们对于技巧性的事物有天生的理解力,通常精于使用工具和进行手工劳动。他们往往做出有条理而保密的决定。他们仅仅是按照自己所看到的、有条理而直接地陈述事实。 ISTP型的人好奇心强,而且善于观察,只有理性、可靠的事实才能使他们信服。他们重视事实,简直就是有关他们知之甚深的知识的宝库。他们是现实主义者,所以能够很好地利用可获得的资源,同时他们擅于把握时机,这使他们变得很讲求实效。ISTP型的人平和而寡言,往往显得冷酷而清高,而且容易害羞,除了是与好朋友在一起时。他们平等、公正。他们往往受冲动的驱使,对于即刻的挑战和问题具有相当的适应性和反应能力。因为他们喜欢行动和兴奋的事情,所以他们乐于户外活动和运动。
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Google Reader的Recommendation功能真的很好很强大,据说是根据用户的阅读习惯来给你推荐你可能喜欢的源。一开始用的时候订了好几个PPMM的blog,结果就一直给我推这方面的blog。这一看不行啊,连机器都觉得我好这口,于是马上把相关的blog全都退订了。
另外看到的两个blog更猛,一个发到了WWW上,另一个发到了AAAI上,忘了是哪个几乎每年都参加ACM的International Final了,搞CS的,嘿嘿…

高校简称 中文译名 国别 获offer人次
CMU 卡内基梅隆大学 美国 9
MIT 麻省理工大学 美国 2
UC Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校 美国 1
Princeton 普林斯顿大学 美国 2
UIUC 伊利诺大学香槟分校 美国 1
Cornell 康耐尔大学 美国 3
UT Austin 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 美国 2
Wisc-Madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 美国 3
UW Seattle 美国西雅图华盛顿大学 美国 2
Gatech 佐治亚理工学院 美国 1
UPenn 宾夕法尼亚大学 美国 3
UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校 美国 6
UCSD 加州大学圣地牙哥分校 美国 3
UMCP 马里兰大学 美国 3
Purdue 普度大学 美国 10
U Michigan Ann Arbor 密西根大学安娜堡分校 美国 4
Columbia 哥伦比亚大学 美国 6
JHU 约翰.霍普金斯大学 美国 1
Duke 杜克大学 美国 1
USC 南加州大学 美国 9
UMass 马萨诸塞大学 美国 1
Brown 布朗大学 美国 2
Yale 耶鲁大学 美国 2
Rice 莱斯大学 美国 1
ParisTech 巴黎高科 法国 1
U Waterloo 滑铁卢大学 加拿大 2

The Dark Knight:小丑如神话般
ps:呃…每日一澡是必须的。话说最近ICWS call for paper,谁都不要拦我


TOPIC: ISSUE94 – “Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.”
WORDS: 577 TIME: 01:40:31 DATE: 2008/12/7 22:45:21
As society’s develop, usually we should be able to manage various knowledge to get a good job. But at the same time, we also need some scientists who study deeply in one field.
I think it is necessary to give students a chance to study knowledge from a variety of fields when they in Banchelor or Master course. We know that in many universities students are obiliged to get credit from the courses which are outside the student’s field, which I think could results from at least three reasons.
Firstly, as technology is more and more complex today, the student who only get knowledge in a narrow aspect is less and less competitive. Most time the employ requirements of company, especially in I.T industry, would be consist of some different parts, which is more than tech skills.
Secondly, most of the students, especially in China, don’t have a idea whether they are really interested in the major they pick at the time they get into university. Because of the heavy pressure of study we have to take when we are in high school, most of us don’t have enough time to consider carefully what is suitable for us mostly. But as we can take a variety of course in university, now we can have a chance to access to what we really want.
Last but not the least, the people who achieve success always manage a variety of knowledge. Our country’s founder, Chairman Mao, was a famous exponent. He was a politics, but also known as strategist and poet. In Europe, Da Vince and Newton were also honored by people for they made great contribute to big development in different fields. I don’t think this is just a coincide. The people who are good at different fields usually could get more various views on one thing than the people who are only addicted into a narrow field. This is because the resources that the former could get inspiration from are more than the latter.
But, it is not sensible to encourage students to take knowledge as more various as possible. No matter whether student is going to do research or not after they graduate, basic skill and knowledge inside their own field is indispensible.
If you’d like to take Ph.D Degree, the depth of knowledge you get into in your field really does matters. I know in HongKong Univ. of Techonology and Science, Ph.D candidates only take four cources in their first year while Master candidates would take nearly ten courses. Because Ph.D’s task is to promote the research in some finite field, which requires that someone have to get deep knowledge in base. As a result, they don’t have much time to take these various cources. It is the same to ungraduate students. Of course we should get a wide range of knowledge during our college time, but we have not to forget what is the most important. Sometimes students go too far away to get back, which may result to they can’t get a satisfied job after they graduate from school.
Now we can get a conclusion that aquiring knowledge of various field should be based on a strong knowledge in our major field. Before you are good at your major field, it is meaningless to take many various courses. But, it is not enough to have a good knowledge in one narrow aspect in the modern society, you also have to explore your interest.


someone says: when you feel empty, write blog
数据库大作业、ImagineCup 都还没有着落。

周末的时候发现Google Maps的一个应用,就是My Maps,可以保存自己的地图。我把一些Dream School贴在上面。西部加州两所分别是Stanford&UCB,中部伊利诺斯州UIUC,东部是宾夕法尼亚州的CMU和马萨诸塞州的MIT。用来保存学校的网址,方便以后查询资料,还会不断更新的。
keep fighting…


from: kuitree31

改了buaa-alun的文章,改得不好,相互交流吧 呵呵issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”

As the society’s developing, collaboration
替换词:cooperation coordination has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields couldwould更好些 inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which was called bio-computer. (第一段就用例子有点头重脚轻,不妨放后边看看)Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more than before, Nowadays, because of large amounts of complicated accomplishments ,which are much more than before,no one could(would) learn everything. But with collaboration we can take advantage of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.(which would results in something around us becoming special and amazing.)

But I don’t think(as far as I am concerned, It seems a little unilaterat to consider ) that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make(makes) you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that(those who) work in noise.

In addition, I have to say the idea(The second reasons to support my standpoint is ) that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think (
替换词:consider , give thought to ,turn over in my mind evaluate )education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important(which plays a significant partment in children’s future). If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.

What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.

Firstly, learning could result toin study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than (studying ) in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know .
In the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.(放到一段里)
At conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary. We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.


总体写得还可以,思路很好,但是语言过于简单, 加些长音节次较好,中间段落过多 最好是56段论

改得不好, 希望提些意见, 互相交流



issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”
As the society’s developing, collaboration has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields could inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which waswas可以去掉called bio-computer. Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more(个人认为用far more更好) than before, no one could learn everything(by oneslf). But with collaboration we can take advantage(s) of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.
But I don’t think that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that work in noise.
In addition, I have to say the idea that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important. If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.
What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.
Firstly, learning could result to study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know it.
In(On )the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.
At(In) conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary.(否定应该使用neither nor) We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and(这里应该用一个转折连词while) collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.
(呵呵 作者和我的写作思路满像的,不过运用例子的能力令我佩服,总的来说文笔不错,有一些介词和连词还要多多注意~)


issue 42 “Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.”
As the society’s developing, collaboration has played an important role in academic research, where people from different fields could inspire each other. Bio-computer science is such an example which makes interaction between biology and computer science. Inspired by structure of DNA, scientists come up with the idea that we can design the architecture of computer in a new way, which was called bio-computer. Apart from research, commercial company is also encouraged to hire the people who are good at teamwork. Because today the complexity of work is much more than before, no one could learn everything. But with collaboration we can take advantage of every distinct one, which results to something amazing.
But I don’t think that learning in groups is the only way we can acquire knowledge. Different people prefer to think in different way. Most of my friends tend to study with a silent environment. Noise from other people could make them interrupted. Famous physician Albert Einstein liked to stay in the roof of his house without leaving for a few days, when he tried to figure out some mysterious theory. Actually the idea from others will always confuse you, which make you can’t calm down. It’s easy to understand people who work in quiet is more efficient than that work in noise.
In addition, I have to say the idea that children of all ages work frequently in groups is not sensible. I think education should give children a chance to improve the ability of thinking alone, which is quite important. If they don’t have much chance to solve problem alone when they are very young, it’s easy to make them feel more likely to depend on others when they grow up. That’s the reason why your junior school teacher always tells you not to copy homework from others but finish it by yourself.
What decides whether collaboration is good for learning or not? I think that should be considered in different definitions of “learning”.
Firstly, learning could result to study basic knowledge you don’t know before. At this time, to study alone may be more efficient than in crowd. Because there is nothing you can share with others before you know it.
In the other hand, learning also means that inspiration made by people from different academic fields. With collaboration, people could get fresh air from the place where they never step in before. Like Newton says: stand on the shoulder of giants. The ability of how to learn from others also need us cultivate during our academic life.
At conclusion, what we need is not just collaboration or just solitary. We need both of them when we’re learning. We need solitary space to get our own perspective and collaboration could broad our perspective at the same time.


est: English of Science & Technology
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
于是我找到了上面这篇paper。这是10年前(1998)Google创始人Sergey Brin & Larry Page 发表在WWW Conference上的一篇文章,文中描述了他们发明的一个叫做google的搜索引擎,号称是世界上第一个可以处理大规模数据的搜索引擎,同时因为利用了现存网页中超文本的结构,可以将搜索结果以一种比较令人满意的方式进行排序。
some words about Research
前几天参加Sun科技日的时候听了一位清华教授的报告,是关于Semantic Web的。
而商业,是要讲利润的。对于公司来说,你的理论都么好,多么创新,最终都要转回到money上来。为什么现在各种各样的网游层出不穷,因为这已经成为了一种非常固定的盈利模式。当今互联网固定的盈利模式,广告,搜索和IM。在中国,最大的两家网络公司,腾讯和百度,就是典型的例子。为什么微软花那么多钱在他家的Live Search和MSN上?原因就不言而喻了。





